ELM Shiphandling at mooring operations

The e-learning module (ELM) is designed for theoretical training of navigators in accordance with Chapter II of the STCW Convention in the part concerning of mooring operations.

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The e-learning module (ELM) is designed for theoretical training of navigators in accordance with Chapter II of the STCW Convention in the part concerning of mooring operations.

The ELM is included in the "Shiphandling basics" library.

What is an e-learning module?

E-learning module is the electronic textbook on one or more sections. Theoretical materials can be accompanied by drawings, diagrams, photos, animations and videos. There is a test for assessment of knowledge gained at the end of each section.


  • Mooring system components
  • Safety regulations for mooring operations
  • Safety rules during mooring operations
  • General principles of mooring operations
  • Self-mooring the vessel
  • Special aspects of mooring twin-screw vessels
  • Ship’s mooring with assistance of tug-boats
  • Safety of ship staying alongside the berth
  • Ship’s shifting along the berth and turn at the berth
  • Mooring in Ship-to-Ship Operations
  • Specific features of mooring operations in ice
  • Ship’s departure from the berth


Table A-II/1 STCW Code
Competence: Manoeuvre the ship
Knowledge, understanding and proficiencyShip manoeuvring and handlingKnowledge of: .5 proper procedures for anchoring and mooring

Table A-II/2 STCW Code
Competence: Manoeuvre and handle a ship in all conditions
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency: Manoeuvring and handling a ship in all conditions, including: .6 berthing and unberthing under various conditions of wind, tide and current with and without tugs.

Table A-II/3 STCW Code
Competence: Manoeuvre the ship and operate small ship power
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency: Ship manoeuvring and handling. Proper procedures for anchoring and mooring.