STORM Sim has developed e-learning module (ELM) "Inert Gas Systems"...


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The e-learning module (ELM) is designed for theoretical training of ship officers on oil tankers while maintaining operations connected with tank atmosphere control. 

What is an e-learning module?

E-learning module is the electronic textbook on one or more sections. Theoretical materials can be accompanied by drawings, diagrams, photos, animations and videos. There is a test for assessment of knowledge gained at the end of each section.


  • Fire and explosions conditions on tankers
  • Design of inert gas system. General requirements
  • Safe operation of inert gas system


Regulation V/1-1 STCW Convention 
Section A-V/1-1, Table A-V/1-1-2 STCW Code “Specification of minimum standard of competence in advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations” 
IMO Model Course 1.01 “Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations”

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