The updated version 1.1 includes:
On Candidate’s WorkPlace:
After testing completion, two types of reports are created. They differ in the level of detail: standard or detailed. Detailed report includes the right answer.
Candidate can post comment to any task, it will be accessible for the Examiner on his workplace.
Tere is only one competency indicated during the issued test.
Test comment stores the test format determined by the developer, and image.
Mp4 format is supported.
On Examiner’s WorkPlace:
Simultaneous issuance of the same test to the several candidates for detailed assessment
Systematization of positions and tests during test issue.
Standard and detailed reports form is improved, it includes information about name and number of software version, short description of tests including information about test tasks agreement.
Detailed report includes filter for those tasks output, answers to which include mistakes.
Empty Candidate’s WorkPlace choice is developed to be more convenient.
Test reports archive table has been improved
A function has been created for storing and viewing candidate comments received, based on the results of task results.
On Administrator’s WorkPlace:
“License” tab includes brief information about the tests available.
Automatically deletion of test results reports in training and examination modes function has been created.
A progress bar for updating the test task database has been added.
MORE DETAILES ABOUT Crew Knowledge Assessment Software (KAS 1.0).
DNV SeaSkill has verified that the software application Knowledge Assessment Software “KAS”, Version 1.1 provided STORM Company has been assessed in relation to Part B of the STCW Code, Chapter B-I/6, para. 11 and the competencies listed in part A of the STCW Code and confirmed that tasks and questions in KAS cover STCW Code Chapters A-II, A-IV, A-V/2, A-V/4 and A-VI.
DNV Statement of Compliance officially approves that KAS can be used for comprehensive assessment of master and deck department subject to a vessel’s type (including ships operated in Polar Waters and passenger ships), installed equipment (RADAR, ARPA, ECDIS) and designated duties (security, fast rescue boats), as well as GMDSS radio operators.